There are many reasons why a family might consider home-centered education, but you may not even know what your own reasons are until you've actually begun looking into it a bit. Don't worry - considering home schooling doesn't mean you have to do it...and along the way, you might just discover goals and priorities and ideas that will help you to cultivate the best education for your children in whatever environment you choose. There are numerous and various methodologies, philosophies and approaches to home education. It can be overwhelming to filter through them all to figure out which might fit your family the best...especially if you are still trying to figure out if home education might even be a possibility at all. My best recommendation is to do some reading. Visit a library and check out several general books about home-schooling (I'm not talking curriculum here) or by families who have done this. Some will jive with you, some really won't - but it will help to narrow things down and direct you a bit. There are also a ton of homeschooling blogs and websites for you to browse as well. Secondly, find families who are doing this now and ask them lots of questions or join a discussion board online. Everyone who undertakes this starts with a lot of the same questions: Why do it? Is it worth it? How does it work on a daily basis? What about "socialization" and "assessment" and the law? Am I smart enough? creative enough? patient enough? Will I be stuck in the house all day with my kids? How can I be both parent and teacher? What about sports and extra-curricular and arts activities? Where do I find resources and curriculum and help? and so on and so forth..... This can cause a lot of concern and worry, but I can encourage you and tell you that there are more resources, information, and help available than ever before and families just like yours (and mine) are not only making this option work, but are experiencing a lot of success and satisfaction.
Tricia - I just don't know how you do it. Your background in education - and the fact that you have girls - must help though! I really admire your dedication. You really take motherhood to a higher level.
Posted by: Kate | June 26, 2008 at 11:24 AM
I agree with Kate! I considered homeschooling for a brief time. My husband was pushing it more than I was. But after some extensive research on it, decided this was not the route for me or my kids.
Posted by: Linda | June 26, 2008 at 01:24 PM
Hi Tricia,
For some parents, home education is something that is never considered until there are un- solvable problems in school. Home Education becomes the last resort. That was the case for us last year.
However, having done a lot of research (in a very short period of time) and spoken to a few home-educating parents, I just knew we could make it work.
As we started talking to people, it was amazing how many people knew a family who were home-educating.
A year down the line, it was the best thing we could have. It has strengthened our family. It has given me an opportunity to really get to know my teenage daughters that I don't think I would otherwise have had.
If you are considering home education, it is better to actually research it before hand and not wait until you have got to make the leap!
Great blog by the way.
With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston (UK)
Posted by: Amanda Goldston | June 27, 2008 at 05:03 AM